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Our great  topic is “Charities”! We have chosen it because we are three girls involved in different types of charities. Two of us help young boys and girls in doing their homework and doing sport activities with the association “La Nostra Famiglia” and the third one is a scout and so she’s involved in some charity projects.  Well we have tried to understand something more about charities we’re not involved in…for example Croce Rossa, Telethon, AIRC, Medici Senza Frontiere and other fantastic organisation that really help people in need!! So we have also tried to show you our charity world…we hope you will learn something you don’t know about it!


By Yun Hu, Bertoldo Rachele and De Lorenzo Martina

Hello! Here we have talked about the most important charities in Spain. We have also recorded a video where Patricia explains how is her experience in Nora. Enjoy it!


By Patricia Menéndez Trillo adn Héctor Valvidares Cueto.

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